Stand Firm

Today I'm going to be sharing with you in regards to standing. Just to stand when you have gotten to a point where you no longer know what to do. The Bible says, ``Stand firm.” In Ephesians chapter 6 verse 13. Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand firm. Stand when you have done all you know to do. When you have prayed, when you have confessed, when you have put on the armor of God. When you have even had times of worship and fasting and you still don't know what to do, the Bible says, ‘stand firm.’ Well just what is that, what does that mean. Well we always hear the phrase stand on the word of God, but what does it mean to stand on the word of God? Does it mean put the Bible down on the ground, get on top of it and just stand and see what happens? No. I want to go to David. King David in the Bible is one of the greatest kings that Israel had and I want to read from 1st Samuel chapter 30 and in ...