The Choice

Today I want to talk with you about the most important time of your life. It's going to come to one thing, “The Choice”. 


You're going to come to a point in life where you have “The Choice” to make. What is “The Choice”? It is simply this. Jesus died for us so that we could have freedom. Be completely set free from sickness, from damnation of hell, from sin. 


Jesus came to set us free so that we could live with Him eternally. The Bible says no one comes to the Father except by me. Jesus is The Way to the Father. He is “The Choice” we will make.


 We have to let go of our self-centered desires and realize we can't do it without Jesus. Why? Because we were created for Jesus, we were created to live with Him, we were created to be a part of life with Him. He was to be a part of us and we were to be a part of Him, and when we are not a part of Jesus, there is an emptiness inside each one of Us. 


There is an emptiness and He is the only one who can truly fill that emptiness and bring us complete peace, complete beauty and complete hope. He is the only one who can give us an abundant life, and I'm not talking about financially, I'm talking about living life to the fullest, and that means living in Him. When we let go of ourselves and we trust in Jesus and let Him be LORD of our life, then that is when we are truly happy. 


When Jesus gave himself up on the cross, there were two thieves also. One thief screamed at Jesus and told Him, “if you are who you claim you are, then get yourself off of that cross and then get us off of this cross too”. 


Where was his mindset, only on himself. He didn't care who Jesus was, he didn't care if Jesus really truly was the Son of God. He just wanted off that cross and he would use anyone in his path to get it. 


The other thief, he hollered back at him and said do you not fear God. This man is truly innocent and has done nothing wrong. We are guilty and deserve what we are getting. Then this thief had finally come to the end of himself and realized he messed up, and he realized he couldn't go on any further by himself. 


So he looked at Jesus and said, “Jesus, please remember me when You enter into Your kingdom”. Jesus then turned to that thief who had a repentant heart and believed the truth that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus turned to this thief and said, “I tell you the truth, this day, you will be with me in paradise”. The other thief was still over there screaming in anger, unrepentant and full of himself. He never repented. 


So there are only two directions in life that really matter, and this spiritual matter not physical matter. The choice is yours, the choice is mine and the choice is Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah. The True Son of God. who gave Himself for each of us so that we could have life more abundant here on this planet while we're still here. Now the more abundant means simply this, to be able to be full of peace and joy and contentment, no matter what life brings our way. 


We can walk knowing Jesus is with us and walking right along beside us, guiding us every step of the way, we're not alone in this world, not when we have Jesus, but the choice is ours to make. 


If you're already a believer and follower of Yeshua, of Jesus, you are a part of the family, part of the body, but if you've never even heard this before, never even thought about it, I encourage you, Jesus is the truth, He is the life and He is the way, and He loves you so much. He stepped out of heaven, put Himself on the cross and poured Himself out for you and for me. To pay for our mistakes that couldn't be paid by us. 


See when God gave the 10 Commandments to Moses, they were not just laws and regulations or do’s and don'ts, but they were marriage vows between God and us, because He wanted to be like our husband and us be like His bride.


They were also showing us how imperfect we are and how we can't meet any of those. 10 Commandments without His help. So because God loves us so much, He sent Jesus for us, who was able to fulfill the 10 Commandments. He fulfilled everything and then lovingly and selflessly poured His life, His blood out for us, to bring us to freedom in Him. 


So I encourage you, if you haven't made “The Choice”, make it today. Choose Jesus, because He already chose you. He loves you more than you'll ever understand. 


If you are wondering how do you choose Jesus? You just go to Him in prayer and say something like this, “Jesus, I don't understand everything, but I choose to believe You are the Son of God, and that You died for me. So I accept You as my Lord and my Savior. Change me. Save me, and set me free and make me Yours, and I belong to You. Thank you Jesus”. 


If you just prayed that then you've just joined the family. So I encourage you to get a Bible if you don't have one already and start digging in. Start learning more about this lovely one you just gave your life to, because He loves you and He's got so much for you. 


I will also encourage you to get into a good truth Bible teaching church. To help teach you who Jesus is and how much He loves you.


I just encourage you to keep following Him. He loves you so much. 

May God bless you. 
